Sunday, September 30, 2007

Chinese idiom - Kong zhong lou ge (A Castle in the Air or a Mirage)

kōnɡ zhōnɡ lóu ɡé

空 中 楼 阁

典 故:












The Story:

Long long ago, there was a stupid rich man. One day, he visited a friend and saw his friend's 3-storey building. He liked it very much. When he came back to his own home, he called a carpenter and asked him to build the same kind of house for him.

The carpenter began to dig the foundations and make the vallum. When the rich man saw this, he asked: "What kind of house are you going to construct?"

"A three-storey building," replied the carpenter.

"Oh, I do not want the 2 floors under it, I just want the third floor," said the rich man.

"But how can we build the 3rd floor if we do not have the 2 floors under it?" the carpenter asked.

No matter how the carpenter explained this concept to the rich man, the rich man just insisted on his own opinion of 'only the 3rd floor'.

Talk to eChineselearning's best Chinese teacher, learn to use the Chinese idiom.

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